Cover of Pradilla Cardona Miquel Angel Pradilla Cardona (EDT): Catalan Sociolinguistics

Pradilla Cardona Miquel Angel Pradilla Cardona (EDT) Catalan Sociolinguistics

State of the art and future challenges

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L'objectiu de l'obra Catalan Sociolinguistics. State of the Art and Future Challenges es donar compte, de manera sumaria, dels grans vertexs en que s'ha manifestat l'estudi de la relacio entre llengua i societat en la comunitat linguistica catalana, la recepcio que s'ha fet dels plantejaments internacionals i l'adaptacio domestica.Cada tradicio sociolinguistica ha interpretat la interaccio esmentada amb plantejaments especifics. La catalana, per exemple, ha apostat per una visio integradora de tot un seguit de treballs que arriben des d'ambits tematics diversos (economia, dret, ciencia politica, comunicacio, ecologia, variacio linguistica, antropologia, etc.). Aixi, en el llibre que el lector te a les mans, els autors dels diferents capitols, reconeguts especialistes en la materia avaluada, ens han ofert mirades complementaries que ens permetran avancar cap a una analisi de conjunt, una tasca que es mostrava peremptoria en el marc d'un horitzo finalista de cohesionar internament la disciplina.The aim of the work Catalan Sociolinguistics. State of the Art and Future Challenges is to give an account, in a summary way, of the major topics dealt with by the study of the relation between language and society in the Catalan language community, and the extent to which international approaches have been received and how they have been adapted to the Catalan domain.Every tradition has interpreted this interaction with specific approaches. The Catalan tradition, for example, has opted for a vision that integrates a wide range of studies on different themes (economy, law, political science, communication, ecology, linguistic variation, anthropology, and so on). So, in the book you are holding, the authors of the various chapters, recognised specialists in their fields, have provided complementary views that will enable us to make an overall analysis, something that was urgently needed in the context of the ultimate aim of bringing internal consistency to the discipline.

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