How to order E-books

Ordering e-books on SHAKES.CZ is easy. It only takes four steps to place an order.

Important! Most of the e-books on our website come with DRM protection. 'Adobe Digital Editions' must be installed on your system in order to download from our website. See this link for more info about how you can install 'Adobe Digital Edition'.

See this link for a full list of supported devices.

1. Ordering

When you have found the e-book you would like to buy, simply add it to your basket or pull up basic information about the book:

- front cover
- author
- title
- electronic format (PDF, Mobi, MSReader, MP3, EPub)
- summary
- identification number
- etc.

Once you put an e-book into the shopping basket you will be asked to choose e-book format (for example .EPub or .pdf). Please choose carefully it can not be changed after your order is placed.

If you are buying several e-books, these will be put in the basket and will be shown as one order. It is not possible to order e-books together with paper books. Please make two separate orders if you need to order both formats. You will have the option to make sure the items in your basket are correct before ordering.

2. Registration

If you are shopping with us for the first time, fill in the information necessary for delivering your order:

- your name
- your address
- your email
- your phone number

If you already have an account with us, you can just fill in your login and password. We will use the delivery address you selected upon signing up. If you want to change this, please click on the "Your account" button and change it.

You can shop with us without having an account, but with your next order you will have to fill in the information again.

3. Confirmation and Delivery

Choose the type of payment. If you would like to pay by credit card, bank transfer, or Paypal, enter an authorization code and you will be able to confirm your order. You will receive confirmation that we have received your order via email. Your order will be dispatched immediately after your payment is processed.

Once we receive your payment we will send you download links. Each link can be used a maximum of 3 times. After 3 downloads, you will no longer be able to download the books.

We recommend that you backup your e-books. If you lose your books, we will NOT be able to send you new copies. You would need to order your books again.

4. Credit card payment

You will be asked to provide your credit card number and expiration date when paying by credit card. When the information is accepted, you will be guided through steps to confirming your order. Our internet bookstore uses the secure online payment system, "3-D Secure," supported by credit card associations.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
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