Cover of Nicholas J. Hoff (EDT): Creep in Structures

Nicholas J. Hoff (EDT) Creep in Structures

Colloquium Held at Stanford University, California July 11-15, 1960

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The Colloquium on Creep in Structures was organized as part of the activities of the International Union on Theoretical and Applied Mecha- nies. It was supported financiaHy by IUTAM, as weH as by the National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C., U. S. A. The Scientific Commit- tee charged with the work of organization consisted of the foHowing persons: NICHOLAS J. HOFF, Stanford University, Stanford, California, Chair- man FOLKE K. G. ODQVIST, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, Vice-Chairman R. MAZET, Office National d'Etudes et de Recherehes Aeronautiques, Chatillon-sous-Bagneux, France Y. N. RABOTNOV, Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, U. S. S. R. SHUJI TAIRA, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. The details of the organization of the sessions were entrusted to the Local Committee consisting of the following persons: MAX ANLIKER W. H. HORToN K. BINFORD B. LEMPRIERE C.C.CHAO L. NICKEL W. G. FLUGGE In order to insure good discussion and, in general, a broad exchange of ideas among the participants in the meeting, the number of persons invited to attend was kept to a minimum. Participants not living in the Stanford area were housed in Donner House of Stern Hall on the Stanford campus, and were served meals in the dining room of Donner House. The speakers and observers started to arrive on July 9 and the last ones left on July 18.

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