Cover of J. Guern (EDT), C. Peaud-Lenoel (EDT): Metabolism and Molecular Activities of Cytokinins

J. Guern (EDT), C. Peaud-Lenoel (EDT) Metabolism and Molecular Activities of Cytokinins

Proceedings of the International Colloquium of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique held at Gif-sur-Yvette (France) 2-6 September 1980

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In a number of recent biology meetings, plant growth factors have been a favorite topic. One may ask if a new colloquium devoted to the metab- olism and the activities of cytokinins, considered at the molecular level, was really necessary and will add anything important to the previous contributions. As a matter of fact, the primary purpose of the organizers, of the French National Center of Scientific Research, and of the National In- stitute of Agronomic Research which sponsored the colloquium was less the edition of a proceedings book than the desire to bring together a number of scientists who had made contributions towards solving prob* lems in cytokinin research and thereby to provide an opportunity for fruitful discussions without restrictions in the timetable. Indeed this primary target was attained. Moreover, important new fmdings and con- clusions were presented by the participants that merited publication in the form ofthis book. It is beyond the scope of this foreword to adver- tize or even to classify these new fmdings. We shall only mention a few of them. The reader will appreciate the contributions of those authors who worked hard to elucidate the biosynthetic pathways of natural cytokin- ins.

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