Cover of Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah (EDT), Candyrilla Vera Bartholomew (EDT), Aqilah Mohammad (EDT): Resource Use and Sustainability of Orang Asli

Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah (EDT), Candyrilla Vera Bartholomew (EDT), Aqilah Mohammad (EDT) Resource Use and Sustainability of Orang Asli

Indigenous Communities in Peninsular Malaysia

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Comprising of -18 sub-ethnic groups the indigenous communities, or better known as the Orang Asli, located in the Peninsular Malaysia, is a unique community in terms of their culture, lifestyle, and heritage.  The life of the Orang Asli, popularly referred to as the Forest People, is highly intertwined with forest resources which makes the community a great source of information and traditional knowledge, particularly in the use of medicinal plants.This book covers three important issues to explain and gain insights into the sustainability of the Orang Asli:Social and demographicsSustainability of resource useGovernance, administration and managementThe book presents research to help bridge the gaps and provides a baseline reference for further research regarding the sustainability of the Orang Asli.  This book is intended for researchers and graduate students to help gain an understanding of the Orang Asli.  By highlighting the plight of Orang Asli the authors hope that this community will be recognised and become a part of society.  More research is required to help the 178,197 Orang Asli achieve the sustainable development goals for their community in the Peninsular Malaysia.

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