Cover of Hadeel Ahemed: We Saved a Robin

Hadeel Ahemed We Saved a Robin

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This is about a beautiful red robin hurting itself and about one man helping the poor bird. All this while surprising his daughter with it and helping it regain its strength to set it free while knowing they are doing something good. Thats when the inspiration happens on November. It was cold, and I was playing with my sisters. I never expected any of this would happen. I was so amazed and happy. It hit me once we settled and freed the robin. Words just flow out my mouth to write a book of what my family and I did just to work as a team to save a robin. Once we freed the robin, we all settled as a family, and we were happy just by helping a bird. We were happy for days, then days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months. Great things can happen without knowing, but writing what happened was even more than greatit was fantastic.

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