Cover of Rev. Theodore Bowers: What You Should Know About Islam

Rev. Theodore Bowers What You Should Know About Islam

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We begin our study of Islam by examining the story the patriarch Abraham and difference between the Islamic and the Judeo-Christian interpretation of the events. We then look at Pre-Islamic Arabia and its culture, traditions, and practices. The advent of the man who became known as Muhammad; his religious experiences; and the expansion of Islam are examined. We look at Islamic Law, Jihad, the Koran, the Hajj; the Five Pillars, and Islam's most month of the year, Ramadan. Briefly we explore the conflicts between Islam and Christianity over the centuries. Finally, we look at Islam of today and my conclusion regarding the "religion" of Islam. The book has an Index with lists the Old Testament names for God; Titles in the New Testament of the Trinitarian God; the New Testament of the Trinitarian God; the New Testament names of Jesus; New Testament names for the Holy Spirit; the Ninety-nine names of Allah; and Arab clothing.

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