Cover of Melody Rendom: In Search of Moon River

Melody Rendom In Search of Moon River

Or My Quick Trip to Crazy

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This is the journey of the author from the time she meets her soulmate, Manny Twofeathers, until the time of his passing. Their sixteen years together, the highs and the lows, the adventures and the tragedies. All the while she suffers from bi-polar disorder and it examines how she overcomes episodes, including one instance where she very nearly loses it all. The doctors where thinking of sending her to one of those places where you dont come out. Some highlights of the book are after being a single entrepreneur at thirty-three, she ends up being a mother of six children before knowing Twofeathers a year! Their first book he wrote sold to Hyperion publishing for $72,000 advance, which was unheard of for a first time author. A fascinating read, it moves quickly through the inside view of a love story that is hard to put down.

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