Cover of Peter Badmajew: History of a Warsaw Insurgent

Peter Badmajew History of a Warsaw Insurgent

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All seemed well until September 1. 1939 when the Germans invaded Poland. Peters world would never be the same again. As World War II began young Peter extinguished incinerated bombs, dug anti aircraft ditches, and delivered water and food to soldiers . Peter describes how he and his family survived the Germans occupation, with one member of the family arrested by the Gestapo. Determined to fight for the freedom of his country, in 1944 Peter at age 15 joined the Warsaw Uprising. Suddenly the boy who once happily spent his days swimming in Pucka Bay, was carrying grenades in his pockets and swinging liquid courage from a vodka bottle.The history of a Warsaw insurgent shares details from one mans journey through war-torn Poland offering an enlightening glimpse into the history of his beloved homeland.

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