Cover of Cedric Boswell: Truth Behind Truths Volume I

Cedric Boswell Truth Behind Truths Volume I

John 8:32 "And Ye Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Make You Free."

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Who are the Jews and Israelites of the Bible, and why do they matter? The Bible records their early history and offers a guide to identifying them today, but more is needed to truly understand their significance.In The Truth behind Truths, author Cedric Boswell shares the history of the Jews as revealed in the Bible. He asks pertinent questions not often seen in typical histories and provides Scriptures in support of his answers. Beginning with Adam, Boswell relates different stories of Jews in the Bible and how they are truly the chosen people of God.Boswell argues that those who currently call themselves Jews do not fit the historic evidence in their looks or how they were dispersed from Israel. He discusses skin pigmentation and explains that many of the early Jewish people were black and not white. He then explores the subject of Gods elect, the genealogy of the Jews, and the tribes of Israel. In the last section, Boswell tackles the heavy yet crucial subject of redemption.An unorthodox and intriguing study, The Truth behind Truths seeks to open your eyes to new questions and new perspectives on the Jews of the Bible.

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