Cover of Sara Frahm: Cross and the Compass

Sara Frahm Cross and the Compass

Freemasonry and Religious Tolerance in Mexico

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The present book is an effort to understand the role of masonry in theintroduction of freedom of worship in Mexico. With erudition, the authorleads us through the stages ending with the victory of the liberal republic,headed by Benito Jurez, and the establishment thereby of freedomof worship, which made possible the insertion of American protestantmissions in Mexico. Many Protestants brought not only their faith, butFreemasonry as well. - Dr. Adolfo Garca de la Sienra Guajardo Director del Institutode Filosofa - Universidad Veracruzana, Mxico Presidente de laSociedad Iberoamericana de Metodologa EconmicaThis is a scholarly study, well documented, analyzing one of the mostcontroversial themes in the history of Mexico. In the work of Sara Frahm,Masonry ceases being mysterious, and is revealed as one of the strongcomponents that shaped 19th century Mexico- Mara Eugenia Vzquez Semadeni, Visiting Assistant Professor,Department of History, UCLA.

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