Cover of David Wood: On Angels and Devils and Stages Between

David Wood On Angels and Devils and Stages Between

Contemporary Lives in Contemporary Dance

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Taylor and Francis


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The revolution that happened in the American dance world between 1932 until 1992 was as great, or even greater, than the earlier movement revolution instigated by the Ballets Russes. In his revealing book David Wood evokes this exciting period of change and describes the roles of the key creative personalities with whom he worked: Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, Charles Weidman, Jose Limon, Hanya Holm, Alwin Nikolais, Helen Tamiris, Sophie Maslow, Jane Dudley, and William Bales. David Wood has been a key figure in the American dance world for nearly 50 years, making numerous appearances on television as an actor/dancer and in Broadway musicals. He began working with Martha Graham in 1953, as a soloist, touring the world, performing roles in all the famous productions, especially Secular Games which Graham created for him. He has his own company BARD (Bay Area Repertory Dance) which has toured the United States and Europe. The choreography of Wood's signature work, Lorca's House of B

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