Cover of Belinha S. De Abreu (EDT), Paul Mihailidis (EDT): Media Literacy Education in Action

Belinha S. De Abreu (EDT), Paul Mihailidis (EDT) Media Literacy Education in Action

Theoretical and Pedagogical Perspectives

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Media Literacy Education in Action brings together the field's leading scholars and advocates to present a snapshot of the theoretical and conceptual development of media literacy education-what has influenced it, current trends, and ideas about its future. Featuring a mix of perspectives, it explores the divergent ways in which media literacy is connected to educational communities and academic areas in both local and global contexts. The volume is structured around seven themes: Media Literacy: Past and Present Digital Media and Learning Global Perspectives Public Spaces Civic Activism Policy and Digital Citizenship Future ConnectionsCompelling, well-organized, and authoritative, this one-stop resource for understanding more about media literacy education across disciplines, cultures, and divides offers the fresh outlook that is needed at this point in time. Globally, as more and more states and countries call for media literacy education more explicitly in their curriculum guidelines, educators are being required to teach media literacy in both elementary and secondary education contexts.

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