Cover of Robin Aizlewood: Routledge Intensive Russian Course

Robin Aizlewood Routledge Intensive Russian Course

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Taylor and Francis


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This intensive foundation course in Russian is designed for students with no previous knowledge of the language. Developed primarily for classroom use, the course offers an original and distinctive approach to language learning, presenting Russian in context offering access to Russian life, culture, history and society. Using authentic language throughout, the course takes students from beginner to intermediate level in one year. Progress is carefully structured, starting with simple grammar and working towards more complex points with the acquisition of a significant body of vocabulary. By the end of the course students will have acquired a sound knowledge of the main structures of the language and will be able to express themselves confidently in a wide range of communicative contexts.The tried-and-tested material featured in the course is structured to improve all four core skills of language learning: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The course is divided in three parts:Part 1 provides a foundation which gets the student going in RussianPart 2 concentrates on intensive development to take the student rapidly forwardPart 3 incorporates both revision and further development.Each unit is divided into lessons which all include lively dialogues, sections on grammar and language functions and lots of exercises that help develop the student's practical language skills. Audio materials recorded by native speakers include dialogues, exercises and a variety of texts to help students using the course to improve their listening comprehension and pronunciation skills. Audio materials recorded by native speakers include dialogues, exercises and a variety of texts to help students using the course to improve their listening comprehension and pronunciation skills. The audio materials and other supplementary materials are available as free eResources here:

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