Cover of IRB Media: Summary of Nick Estes's Our History Is the Future

IRB Media Summary of Nick Estes's Our History Is the Future

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Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview: #1 In March 2014, the Lakota Sioux tribe president, Bryan Brewer, declared war on the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would have passed directly through Oceti Sakowin territory.#2 The KXL also crossed through the permanent reservation boundaries of the Great Sioux Nation, and unceded lands of the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty, which forbids white settlement without Indigenous consent.#3 The KXL conflict was about the land, and who owned it. White settlers own 96 percent of all private agricultural lands in the United States, and 98 percent of all private lands overall.#4 In response to the economic crisis, revolutionary flowers had blossomed in public squares around the world, offering for a brief moment a vision of a different world. In 2010, young people of the Arab Spring toppled dictators, and tragedy and betrayal soon followed. In 2011, disenchanted millennials of the Occupy Wall Street movement put anti-capitalism back on the agenda.

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