Cover of IRB Media: Summary of Pete Buttigieg's Shortest Way Home

IRB Media Summary of Pete Buttigieg's Shortest Way Home

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Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Book Preview: #1 Snow can be a beautiful thing, but it is also the mayor's mortal enemy. One day's bungled plowing is all that stands between a mayor and political disaster.#2 The Blizzard of '78 was a major snowstorm that occurred in 1978. It was so severe that it brought the city to a standstill, and it was still being discussed decades later.#3 By midafternoon on January 6, Pete was telling everyone to get home but be ready to come in the next day. The city resources were not enough, so Pete contracted with every individual he could find who owned a pickup truck with a plow.#4 The snowstorm that hit South Bend in January of 1982 was a life-changing event for my parents and me. My parents taught themselves how to shovel snow, and they quickly learned to shift and brake differently when driving on snow.

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