Cover of Margery Post Abbott, Carl Abbott: Quakerism: The Basics

Margery Post Abbott, Carl Abbott Quakerism: The Basics

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Taylor and Francis


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Quakerism: The Basics is an accessible and engaging introduction to the history and diverse approaches and ideas associated with the Religious Society of Friends. This small religion incorporates a wide geographic spread and varied beliefs that range from evangelical Christians to non-theists. Topics covered include:Quaker values in actionThe first generations of QuakerismQuakerism in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuriesBelief and activismWorship and practiceQuakerism around the worldThe future of Quakerism. With helpful features including suggested readings, timelines, a glossary, and a guide to Quakers in fiction, this book is an ideal starting point for students and scholars approaching Quakerism for the first time as well as those interested in deepening their understanding.

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