Cover of Eric Carlson: Is God Done with America?

Eric Carlson Is God Done with America?

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Morgan James Publishing


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From the founder of a messianic congregation: A powerful call to fulfill America's destiny by breaking down the barriers between Jews and Gentiles. America, drifting away from God and in a grave moral crisis, stands at a major spiritual crossroads.The truth of how this nation was founded and what its founders believed is being suppressed. Is America a Christian nation? Were Americas founders Christians? Does America have a prophetic destiny? If so, will America fulfill that destiny? These questions and more are answered by Rabbi Eric Carlson in Is God Done with America? Based upon the ';One New Man' of Ephesians 2:15, America's spiritual DNA was established through a prayer spoken by the founding colonists of the Jamestown Settlement in Virginiathe birthplace and spiritual root of America. A portion of this prayer, exactly as it was written and quoted from the book Lawes Divine, Morall and Martiall for the Colony of Virginea, printed in the year 1612, was spoken twice daily: ';And call in the Jewes together with the fulnesse of the gentiles, that thy name may be glorious in al the world, the dayes of iniquity may come to an end, and we with all thine elect people may come to see thy face in glorie, and be filled with the light thereof for evermore.' This prayer not only reveals a portion of Americas prophetic destiny, it is key to the restoration of contemporary America's dying church. Is God Done with America? contains critical information regarding Jewish revival, the restoration of signs and wonders to the body of Messiah, and the reconciliation of Messianic Jews and Christians into one unified body.

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